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Kevin HenryOffline



Defy gravity: Don’t let the demons of dental assisting get you down

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Every day, dental assistants face a variety of challenges in their job. How those challenges are met can affect the professional and personal lives of these valuable team members. In this fast-moving and interactive course, dental assistants will learn how to identify the issues that can “get under their skin” and how to deal with them.

We’ll explore the typical dental assistant’s four main job-related concerns (money, respect, teamwork and attitude) and identify steps to embracing one’s own potential and leadership mindset. Additionally, dental assistants will learn why they are a key part of the dental practice’s business success and what they can do to not only enhance their own careers, but also the bottom line of the business.

Learning Objectives


Identify on-the-job challenges that could affect performance and happiness


Understand the steps that can be taken to minimize the effects of those challenges


Explore how to have a more productive and fulfilling career as a dental assistant



3 hours

Qualifies for CE

  • Lecture,

How to find, hire, and keep amazing team members

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The success of your dental practice depends on the team you assemble. From the hiring process to the everyday activities within your practice, your interactions with your team members (and their interactions with patients) can be the difference between an efficient business and one that customers and employees steer clear of.

Based on his experience with team members over the last 20 years, Kevin Henry has compiled a list of things that can help you find them, hire them, and keep them. Let’s make the days of “hiring a heartbeat” over and ensure you are finding the right person for your business … every time.


Learning Objectives


Learn the three biggest questions you should be asking when hiring


Learn the three questions every team member should be asking you … and how you should answer them


Learn where other dentists are finding team members


Learn what it takes to get off the turnover wheel and keep a team together long-term


Discover how every team member can impact the bottom line of the practice … and has a direct impact on the practice’s success or failure.



3 hours

Qualifies for CE

  • Lecture,

The top 10 mistakes dental practices make … and how to avoid them

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In his nearly 20 serving as the managing editor of Dental Economics, group editorial director for Dental Products Report, and editor in chief for, Kevin Henry has seen a lot of mistakes made by dental practices around the country. Some have caused a practice to lose team members. Some have caused a practice to lose a significant amount of money. One even cost a dentist his license.

Kevin has spent hours going over what these practices did wrong and has put together a fast-paced, informative lecture that will have audiences thinking about the way they do business. No one likes to admit they’re doing something wrong. In this course, audience members can learn from their colleagues’ mistakes … and make sure they don’t duplicate them. In today’s competitive environment, dentists and dental team members need to know what they’re doing right … and what can be improved.

Learning Objectives


Identify the biggest mistakes that have cost other practices countless hours and resources


Learn how to avoid those mistakes in your practice


Learn how to put systems in place and attain cohesiveness in your team


Discover how every team member can impact the bottom line of the practice … and has a direct impact on the practice’s success or failure



3 hours

Qualifies for CE

  • Lecture,

Tackling the Biggest Pitfalls in the Dentist-Assistant Relationship

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In his 20-plus years of working with dental practices across the United States, Kevin Henry has seen some of the most glaring issues in a practice come from the interpersonal relationships that exist in that practice. If the dentist and assistant aren’t on the same page, it’s hard for the rest of the practice to be, so let’s start there and build a model of communication and understanding that can turn dysfunction into harmony. In this fast-paced, interactive lecture, we will look at common issues from both the assistant and dentist side, shining a light on some common myths that need to be busted.

Learning Objectives


Recognize the biggest areas of concerns for dentists with their assistants


Understand why assistants want to be considered "team" rather than "staff"


Avoid problems before they begin and minimize those that exist


List common issues from both the dentist and assistant side of the equation


3 hours

Qualifies for CE

  • Lecture,

Podcasting for Dental Assistant Nation

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As the host for the Dental Assistant Nation podcast, the longest running podcast devoted to dental assistants, Kevin is asked to broadcast his podcast live from various meetings throughout the country.



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