Infection Control in the Dental Office
Mandatory Course for License Renewal in California
Attendees will understand the importance of wearing personal protective equipment and the appropriate use of disinfectants and barriers. They will be able to describe the proper method for sharps disposal as well as other engineering controls. They will also understand how bloodborne pathogens are transmitted. Finally, attendees will understand the Minimum Standards for Infection Control from the California Dental Practice Act.
Learning Objectives
Identify bloodborne pathogens and how they are transmitted.
Describe the requirements from the Dental Board of California for flushing waterlines and recommendations from the CDC.
Describe the appropriate use of disinfectants, PPE and barriers for clinical procedures.
Be able to identify the Minimum Standards of Infection Control from the California Dental Practice Act.

2 hours

Qualifies for CE

- Lecture,
California Dental Practice Act
Mandatory Course for License Renewal in California
Attendees will be able to identify licensing categories and permit programs. They will also understand the allowable functions for different auxiliaries. Attendees will be able to identify signs and symptoms of abuse and neglect in both children and elders and understand what it means to be a mandatory reporter. They will be able to identify several examples of unprofessional conduct and understand the components encompassing professional ethics.
Learning Objectives
Identify licensing categories and permit programs.
Discuss auxiliaries permitted duties and allowable functions.
Identify several examples of “Unprofessional Conduct”.
Describe the regulations regarding the Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act.
Identify Signs and Symptoms of Child and Elder Abuse.
Describe requirements for continuing education and license renewal.
Identify components encompassing professional ethics in dentistry.

2 hours

Qualifies for CE

- Lecture,
OSHA Compliance in the Dental Office
Upon completion of this course, attendees will be able to describe OSHA’s requirements for preventing transmission of aerosol transmissible diseases and bloodborne pathogens in the dental office. Attendees will understand the importance of wearing personal protective equipment and the appropriate use of disinfectants and barriers. Attendees will be able to describe the proper method for sharps disposal as well as other engineering controls, the Globally Harmonized System and Safety Data Sheets.
Learning Objectives
Describe the requirements by OSHA for Aerosol Transmitted Diseases, including COVID and influenza, in Dental Offices.
Describe the OSHA requirements for eyewash stations, Global Harmonizing System/SDS’s, chemical labels and compressor permits.
Identify Bloodborne pathogens, appropriate use of disinfectants, PPE and barriers for clinical procedures.

2 hours

Qualifies for CE

- Lecture,